Sunday, August 2, 2009

What do i need to start programming in c++ and from where?

1. A computer running either Windows or Linux. I'd suggest Linux because most Linux distributions come bundled with a free C++ compilers (G++ or GCC or both). If they don't you can download these compilers for free of the net. Programming is the LINUX/UNIX environment also takes away the comfort of having a nice UI like Visual studio would on the Windows environment which means you get better at debugging programs and also writting code the hard way. So when you switch environments it becomes easier since you've already been to hell and back.

2. Get a book on C++ and start writting some basic commands to get your feet wet and to mainly learning the syntax of the language. I'd recommend the book written by Tony Gaddis think it is called beginning C++. Its got plenty of examples and is a fairly easy book to understand.

What do i need to start programming in c++ and from where?
I'm sorry i really cant b of any help here.
Reply:Go to a book store and get a book on visual c++. Sams have written a few, and I bought one several years ago that came with a c++ compiler. Other than that, search the web for a free compiler, it may not have all the features, but it would get you started.

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